Monday to Friday8AM - 4:30PM
Located in Garneau Professional Centre#330, 11044 82 Ave, 
Edmonton, Alberta

Dr. Martyn R.

B.Sc., B.D.S.
35+ Years in Dentistry
Special Interest in TMD
Expert Witness for TMJ Injuries


Dr. Martyn R. Thomas

Dr. Martyn R. Thomas has over 35 years of experience in the fields of general and neuromuscular dentistry. He is widely recognized for his exceptional expertise in evaluating, diagnosing, and treating temporomandibular disorder. His extensive experience in TMD has established him as a sought-after Expert Witness for legal cases, providing invaluable insights and expert analysis in numerous TMJ/TMD-related injury cases resulting from accidents.

Dr. Thomas earned his Bachelor of Science at the University of Alberta, his Bachelor of Dental Surgery at the University of Bristol, then completed postdoctoral training in the use of craniomandibular tracking, sonography, and instrumentation with the International College of Craniomandibular Orthopedics. He obtained both a Fellowship and a Mastership from the College in 1989. He initially worked as the Regional Dental Officer at the Baffin Regional Hospital for two years, gaining valuable experience treating complex dental cases. Since 1986, Dr. Thomas has been practicing dentistry in Edmonton, where he has built a reputation for providing high-quality care to his patients.

Beyond his professional accomplishments, Dr. Thomas is a passionate advocate for recognizing the connection between a person’s dental health and their overall wellbeing. In his spare time, he enjoys spending quality time with his wife, Beth, and spoiling his grandchildren. He also has a passion for outdoor activities, including horseback riding, and enjoys building model trains.
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